Permissions Auditing

Access to most of Alliance Auth’s features are controlled by Django’s permissions system. In order to help you secure your services, Alliance Auth provides a permissions auditing tool.

This is an optional app that needs to be installed.

To install it add 'allianceauth.permissions_tool', to your INSTALLED_APPS list in your auth project’s settings file.



In order to grant users access to the permissions auditing tool they will need to be granted the permissions_tool.audit_permissions permission or be a superuser.

When a user has access to the tool they will see the “Permissions Audit” menu item under the “Util” sub menu.

Permissions Overview

The first page gives you a general overview of permissions and how many users have access to each permission.

permissions overview

App, Model and Code Name contain the internal details of the permission while Name contains the name/description you’ll see in the admin panel.

Users is the number of users explicitly granted this permission on their account.

Groups is the number of groups with this permission assigned.

Groups Users is the total number of users in all of the groups with this permission assigned.

Clicking on the Code Name link will take you to the Permissions Audit Page

Permissions Audit Page

The permissions audit page will give you an overview of all the users who have access to this permission either directly or granted via group membership.

permissions audit

Please note that users may appear multiple times if this permission is granted via multiple sources.


To use this feature, users will require some of the following.


Admin Site

Auth Site



Can view the Permissions Audit tool