
Prepare Your Settings

In your auth project’s settings file, do the following:

  • Add '', to your INSTALLED_APPS list
  • Append the following to your settings file:
# Mumble Configuration


Mumble is a free voice chat server. While not as flashy as TeamSpeak, it has all the functionality and is easier to customize. And is better. I may be slightly biased.


The mumble server package can be retrieved from a repository we need to add, mumble/release.

apt-add-repository ppa:mumble/release
apt-get update

Now two packages need to be installed:

apt-get install python-software-properties mumble-server

Download the appropriate authenticator release from the authenticator repository and install the python dependencies for it:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuring Mumble

Mumble ships with a configuration file that needs customization. By default it’s located at /etc/mumble-server.ini. Open it with your favourite text editor:

nano /etc/mumble-server.ini

REQUIRED: To enable the ICE authenticator, edit the following:

  • icesecretwrite=MY_CLEVER_PASSWORD, obviously choosing a secure password
  • ensure the line containing Ice="tcp -h -p 6502" is uncommented

By default mumble operates on SQLite which is fine, but slower than a dedicated MySQL server. To customize the database, edit the following:

  • uncomment the database line, and change it to database=alliance_mumble
  • dbDriver=QMYSQL
  • dbUsername=allianceserver or whatever you called the Alliance Auth MySQL user
  • dbPassword= that user’s password
  • dbPort=3306
  • dbPrefix=murmur_

To name your root channel, uncomment and set registerName= to whatever cool name you want

Save and close the file.

To get Mumble superuser account credentials, run the following:

dpkg-reconfigure mumble-server

Set the password to something you’ll remember and write it down. This is needed to manage ACLs.

Now restart the server to see the changes reflected.

service mumble-server restart

That’s it! Your server is ready to be connected to at

Configuring the Authenticator

The ICE authenticator lives in the mumble-authenticator repository, cd to the directory where you cloned it.

Make a copy of the default config:

cp authenticator.ini.example authenticator.ini

Edit authenticator.ini and change these values:

  • [database]
    • user = your allianceserver MySQL user
    • password = your allianceserver MySQL user’s password
  • [ice]
    • secret = the icewritesecret password set earlier

Test your configuration by starting it: python

Running the Authenticator

The authenticator needs to be running 24/7 to validate users on Mumble. This can be achieved by adding a section to your auth project’s supervisor config file like the following example:


Note that groups will only be created on Mumble automatically when a user joins who is in the group.

Prepare Auth

In your project’s settings file, set MUMBLE_URL to the public address of your mumble server. Do not include any leading http:// or mumble://.

Run migrations and restart Gunicorn and Celery to complete setup.