Your Auth Project


When installing Alliance Auth you are instructed to run the allianceauth start command which generates a folder containing your auth project. This auth project is based off Alliance Auth but can be customized how you wish.

The myauth Folder

The first folder created is the root directory of your auth project. This folder contains:

  • the management script used to interact with Django
  • a preconfigured supervisor.conf Supervisor config for running Celery (and optionally Gunicorn) automatically
  • a log folder which contains log files generated by Alliance Auth

The myauth Subfolder

Within your auth project root folder is another folder of the same name (a quirk of Django project structures). This folder contains:

  • a Celery app definition in for registering tasks with the background workers
  • a web server gateway interface script for processing web requests
  • the root URL config which Django uses to direct requests to the appropriate view

There are also two subfolders for static and templates which allow adding new content and overriding default content shipped with Alliance Auth or Django.

And finally the settings folder.

Settings Files

With the settings folder lives two settings files: and

The base settings file contains everything needed to run Alliance Auth. It handles configuration of Django and Celery, defines logging, and many other Django-required settings. This file should not be edited. While updating Alliance Auth you may be instructed to update the base settings file - this is achieved through the allianceauth update command which overwrites the existing base settings file.

The local settings file is referred to as “your auth project’s settings file” and you are instructed to edit it during the install process. You can add any additional settings required by other apps to this file. Upon creation the first line is from .base import * meaning all settings defined in the base settings file are loaded. You can override any base setting by simply redefining it in your local settings file.

Log Files

Your auth project comes with four log file definitions by default. These are created in the myauth/log/ folder at runtime.

  • allianceauth.log contains all INFO level and above logging messages from Alliance Auth. This is useful for tracking who is making changes to the site, what is happening to users, and debugging any errors that may occur.
  • worker.log contains logging messages from the Celery background task workers. This is useful for monitoring background processes such as group syncing to services.
  • beat.log contains logging messages from the background task scheduler. This is of limited use unless the scheduler isn’t starting.
  • gunicorn.log contains logging messages from Gunicorn workers. This contains all web-sourced messages found in allianceauth.log as well as runtime errors from the workers themselves.

When asking for assistance with your auth project be sure to first read the logs, and share any relevant entries.

Custom Static and Templates

Within your auth project exists two folders named static and templates. These are used by Django for rendering web pages. Static refers to content Django does not need to parse before displaying, such as CSS styling or images. When running via a WSGI worker such as Gunicorn static files are copied to a location for the web server to read from. Templates are always read from the template folders, rendered with additional context from a view function, and then displayed to the user.

You can add extra static or templates by putting files in these folders. Note that changes to static requires running the python collectstatic command to copy to the web server directory.

It is possible to overload static and templates shipped with Django or Alliance Auth by including a file with the exact path of the one you wish to overload. For instance if you wish to add extra links to the menu bar by editing the template, you would make a copy of the allianceauth/templates/allianceauth/base.html file to myauth/templates/allinceauth/base.html and edit it there. Notice the paths are identical after the templates/ directory - this is critical for it to be recognized. Your custom template would be used instead of the one included with Alliance Auth when Django renders the web page. Similar idea for static: put CSS or images at an identical path after the static/ directory and they will be copied to the web server directory instead of the ones included.

Custom URLs and Views

It is possible to add or override URLs with your auth project’s URL config file. Upon install it is of the form:

import allianceauth.urls

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'', include(allianceauth.urls)),

This means every request gets passed to the Alliance Auth URL config to be interpreted.

If you wanted to add a URL pointing to a custom view, it can be added anywhere in the list if not already used by Alliance Auth:

import allianceauth.urls
import myauth.views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'', include(allianceauth.urls)),
    url(r'myview/$', myauth.views.myview, name='myview'),

Additionally you can override URLs used by Alliance Auth here:

import allianceauth.urls
import myauth.views

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'account/login/$', myauth.views.login, name='auth_login_user'),
    url(r'', include(allianceauth.urls)),

Adding and Removing Apps

Your auth project is just a regular Django project - you can add in other Django apps as desired. Most come with dedicated setup guides, but in general:

  • add 'appname', to your INSTALLED_APPS setting
  • run python migrate
  • run python collectstatic

If you ever want to remove an app, you should first clear it from the database to avoid dangling foreign keys: python migrate appname zero. Then you can remove it from your auth project’s INSTALLED_APPS list.